

Imagine if injured joints no longer had to be replaced with prostheses, but instead could be restored to their original condition. Or people in wheelchairs could walk again. The potential of orthoregeneration is huge and highly promising. Support us to make such treatments possible soon!


Support young talents

The ON Foundation awards various grants to young physicians and scientists to foster their continuing education and personal development. They all provide access to further training in the field regenerative orthopedics. This can be in the context of congresses and courses by professional societies (Education Grants & Scholarships), or as part of education activities organized by the ON Foundation itself (Research Fellowships & Clinical Fellowships).

Education Grants enable young physicians and scientists with limited financial means to attend congresses and courses. The grants amount to CHF 500 in each case and cover registration and travel costs. We invite the grantees to a get-together on location to get to know each other. The annual budget is approximately CHF 25,000.

Clinical Fellowships enable talented and highly motivated physicians to directly learn from renowned experts. During a one-week stay, the physicians and experts maintain an intensive, personal exchange at the institution of the respective expert. A focus is placed on methods of regenerative treatment. ON organizes access to the experts and supports the fellows’ stay and travel to the amount of CHF 2,000. The annual budget is currently still CHF 10,000 and the aim is to significantly expand this valuable program with additional funding.

Education Scholarships enable young physicians with limited financial means to participate in international educational events – for example congresses and courses on other continents. The grants amount to CHF 1,000 each and are for covering registration and travel costs. Here, too, we organize get-to-know meetings on site for the stipendiaries. The annual budget is approximately CHF 20,000.

Through organizing Research Fellowships, highly motivated and talented physicians and scientists are able to visit renowned institutions. There they can discuss their own work with leading experts and network internationally. The ON Foundation organizes, pays for and accompanies the trips. Research fellowships take place once yearly. Four fellows participate in each case. The annual budget is currently still CHF 30,000. The aim is to offer two Research Fellowships per year in the future with additional support.

Contribute to innovative research

Regenerative orthopedics is a young field, and many scientific questions remain open. So a great deal of research is still needed to test new ideas and better, innovative procedures and develop these to the level of clinical application. We make a contribution to this through our research grants, which flow into the realization of research projects. Indirectly, we also support young physicians and scientists who are dependent on financial resources for their projects and publications. This applies in particular to small and mid-sized projects for which no government support is available (e.g. through the Swiss National Fund for Scientific Research, Horizon 2020, NHS). We distinguish four types of research grants of different volume and scope. To further motivate researchers, the ON Foundation awards the ON Orthoregeneration Award for outstanding and already realized projects.

Our Kick-Starter Grants give young scientists the opportunity to explore an idea or an open issue in a small scientific project. This can be a clinical, a preclinical or an in vitro study. The objective is to publish the results in an international journal with free access for all. The grant total is CHF 10,000 and each study is expected to be completed within one year.

With our Literature Grants we aim to close existing gaps in specialist literature and motivate young authors to publish. Publications are valuable additions to CVs. ON makes it possible to publish in prestigious journals. Literature Grants to a total of CHF 2,500 are used to publish articles that are accessible for free in order to disseminate knowledge as widely as possible.

Pilot Grants primarily serve to support young scientists and physicians. These are given the opportunity to explore an idea, an open issue or a pilot experiment in a scientific project. This can be a clinical, a preclinical or an in vitro study. The focus is on a potential clinical application and the goal is to publish the results in an international journal with free access for all. The grant consists of CHF 25,000 and the study is expected to be completed within two years. Currently, the annual budget for Pilot Grants is CHF 100,000.

To effectively advance orthoregeneration, many high quality research projects are needed. For this reason, and to further motivate researchers, the ON Foundation awards the ON Orthoregeneration Award for outstanding and already realized projects. They promote commitment in this important field of research and publication of the results of the research work. The ON Orthoregeneration Award is presented at selected congresses to leading investigators of successful, forward-looking scientific projects. The award is endowed with CHF 1,000 and includes an attractive trophy. The annual budget currently consists of CHF 5,000. As soon as we have the appropriate funds, ten awards will be made annually in various specialist fields of regenerative orthopedics.

Our Break-Through Grants support research projects that test the suitability and efficacy of an innovative regenerative treatment method or address important open issues. In ideal cases the testing is done on a patient, preclinically if necessary. The study should be completed within three years and the goal is to publish the results in an international journal with free access for all. The grant consists of CHF 100,000. When the necessary funds are available, one to two research projects will be funded annually.

Facilitate educational content

In addition to financial support for physicians, scientists and projects, the ON Foundation also produces educational content on the subject of regenerative orthopedics. In addition to the ONglossary we share expert lectures, compile a collection of clinical cases and produce special formats such as ONcase Night, ONstage, cONsensus or ONtheGo Podcast.

The ONglossary is a reference work containing short explanations of specialist terms and abbreviations. Each entry is supported by references and a bibliography. The target audience is primarily junior physicians and scientists. The ON Glossary answers fundamental questions, explains new terms and aids entry into the field of orthoregeneration. The explanations are written by alumni and volunteers from the ON network. An editor ensures the quality and originality of the entries. All contributions are freely accessible online on the myON platform. With annual support of CHF 10,000, the full potential of the platform could be realized.

ONstage is a unique event format in the medical field. The format offers renowned physicians and scientists a stage for high quality short presentations in the style of the famous TED Talks. The content is all related to regeneration but looks at the topic from highly different angles. The speakers are selected based on their rhetorical qualities and the specific topics. ONstage is both highly interesting and entertaining. It is intended to inspire, to impart knowledge and generate ideas. The event also offers a good platform for exchange among experts and for expanding the network in an interdisciplinary way. The presentations are recorded and can be accessed worldwide for free on the myON platform. ONstage events take place every one to two years with ten to twenty speakers each time. The costs amount to approximately CHF 65,000 per event.

ONcases document cases that have been treated according to best clinical practice. They describe the procedure for deciding on a regenerative procedure and its clinical application. ONcases follow a standardized layout. They mainly contain video content, in this way providing clear guidance for own practice. The selection of cases and quality assurance are performed by an ON Foundation panel of experts. The ONcases are produced together with international specialists in their clinics. Consent by the patients is of course a prerequisite.

ONcase Night is a very special continuing education format. In the style of a TV show, it communicates specialist knowledge in an entertaining way. Experts explain selected treatment methods based on clinical cases. Surgical techniques, biological principles, diagnosis and follow-up treatment are focused on. In addition to physicians and experts, patients also provide input. The aim of ONcase Night is to support an understanding of the scientific basis of various therapeutic concepts, to help physicians make better decisions and to improve the quality of treatment. The sessions are recorded in professional studios. The initial broadcasts are made as part of virtual events and are then available free of charge on the myON platform. The current annual budget is CHF 50,000. We would like to produce more ONcase Nights with additional support. The target is to broadcast one episode a month.

Consensus meetings are an important way of reviewing the literature on specific topics in order to derive guidelines and recommendations. These are usually made available to an interested audience. Unfortunately, the relevant professional publications are frequently not available to all physicians and only a portion of these takes the time to read them. To reduce this hurdle, ON produces attractive short videos in which physicians receive evidence-based recommendations for daily decision-making and clinical practice. The costs amount to CHF 5,000 to CHF 10,000 for each series. In the future, our goal is to summarize in video format all consensus statements published in this field.

Presentations and lectures continue to be an important form of knowledge transfer. ON contributes to the scientific program of partner associations and societies with selected keynote presentations or sessions with several speakers. In terms of content a focus is placed on themes relevant to orthoregeneration. ON provides compensation for the speakers and records the presentations. These are accessible to a larger international audience, free of charge, via the myON platform. The speakers are selected according to their expertise in the respective field of clinical therapy or research. The aim of the project is to share knowledge about orthoregeneration and related topics with the audience and, in terms of content, to support the institutions. The target audience is both young and experienced physicians and scientists interested in orthoregeneration and important peripheral areas. Each year, the Foundation supports three keynotes and four sessions, each with four to six lectures. We invest between CHF 10,000 and CHF 20,000 each year for this purpose.

One format that is particularly interesting for junior clinicians and physicians is learning content for in between or while “on the go”. Ten to twenty-minute audio and video podcasts created by the ON Foundation provide knowledge about orthoregeneration in an attractive format that is also conveniently scalable. Experts discuss regenerative treatment methods, new publications and trends. After broadcast, the podcasts are available on myON and Youtube as well as on streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Soundcloud. The target group is junior physicians who wish to further their education in an impactful and entertaining way. Due to the online format, production is very cost-effective (no fees are paid). The cost for maintaining the platforms is less than CHF 5,000 per year.

Download our brochure and contact us for further information. With your support you can make a difference!

Donations to the ON Foundation are according Art. 33a DBG tax-deductible

"With your contribution, you help to develop new regenerative treatment options that improve the quality of life of many people."

Dr. Samuel Adams, President

Founding Donor

Organizational Supporters

Private Donors

Samuel Adams, Duke University

Magali Cucchiarini, Saarland University Medical Center

Jari Dahmen, Amsterdam University Medical Centers

Giuseppe Filardo, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute

Laura de Girolamo, IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute

Kay Horsch, Urswil, Switzerland

Aaron Krych, Mayo Clinic

Mark Lemos, Lahey Hospital and Medical Center

James Lubowitz, Taos Orthopaedic Institute

Christopher Murawski, University of Pittsburgh

Emmanuel Papacostas, ASPETAR Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital

Jay Patel, University of Pennsylvania

Myron and Joanne Spector, Brigham and Women's Hospital

Markus Walther, Orthopaedic Hospital Munich Harlaching

Alan Zhang, University of California, San Francisco

We sincerely thank our donors for their valuable donation.